Tinkers’ Construct [1.18.1] [1.16.5] [1.12.2] [1.8.9] [1.7.10]

Tinkers Construct – tinkers construct is perhaps one of the most popular mods for minecraft and it is about assembling a wide variety of tools from a wide variety of materials. The mod completely modernizes the crafting tools, but at the same time it does not complicate it, like many other mods.

A large number of materials are added to the game that can be obtained from the classic game resources, after which you must create various parts of a tool or weapon from, and then combine them. The materials differ in their complexity and high cost, and the combination of different materials will provide unique properties.

The mod is very “vanilla”, all its components are perfectly balanced and fit into a regular game, but if this is not enough for you, then the mod has a huge number of additions for integration and compatibility with other mods.
Dealing with the mod is easy, the game has its own instruction book which is completely in Russian.

Addons and additions:

  • constructs armory – mod style armor addon
  • moar tinkers – integration into many mods
  • taiga – new ores and alloys
  • Oreberries – berry metals
  • tinkers survival – complicated start of the game
  • pewter – new materials from other popular mods
  • tinkers arsenal – shooting firearm
  • tinkers skyblock – tools for skyblock maps
  • tinkers jei – material characteristics in JEI
  • extratic – compatible with many mods, new tools and weapons
  • tinkers memes – new features with mekanism mod
  • tinkers reforged – support for resources from other mods
  • materialis – new materials and support for other mods
  • tinkers rapier – rapiers from earlier versions of the mod


How to install Tinkers Construct mod:

  1. Install Forge
  2. Install Mantle
  3. Install all additional mods if indicated.
  4. Download mod and copy to .minecraft /mods
  5. Launch the forge version of the game in the launcher.



Download mod Tinkers Construct:

1.5.2: Tinkers-Construct-1.5.2.jar [1.69 Mb]

1.6.4: tconstruct_mc1.6.4_1.5.5.7.jar [4.52 Mb]

1.7.10: tconstruct-1.7.10-1.8.8.jar [5.35 Mb]

1.8.9: tconstruct-1.8.9-2.2.1.jar [1.69 Mb]

1.9.4: tconstruct-1.9.4-2.3.3.jar [2.19 Mb]

1.10.2: tconstruct-1.10.2-2.6.5.jar [3.54 Mb]

1.11.2: tconstruct-1.11.2- [3.45 Mb]

1.12.2: tconstruct-1.12.2- [3.84 Mb]

1.16.5: Download from site (10 Mb)

1.18.1: Download from site (11.8 Mb)

About Jhon Cofy

Benim adım Jhon. Bu sitenin kurucularından biriyim ve sitenin baş editörüyüm. Android için oyunlar ve uygulamalar için site için en çok yorum yazdım. Görevlerim günlük taze incelemelerin ve sürüm güncellemelerinin yayınlanmasını içerir. Geri bildirim formu aracılığıyla veya sorunuzla yorum göndererek benimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Yazın, utanmayın.

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