Steamy Jetpacks – very smoky jetpack [1.16.5]

Steamy Jetpacks – very smoky jetpack


A very simple mod that will add a jetpack to Minecraft. It is displayed in the game as a piece of clothing, when put on, it immediately starts working and lifts the player up, and keeps him at this level. To rise, you need to press the squat button – instead of smoke, he will immediately start spitting fire and rush upward at full steam, but if you release the button, he will begin to slowly descend down to his normal state.

A very cool thing for overcoming high obstacles + and crafting and working is very simple (and it looks cool on the outside).

How to install the mod:

  1. Install Forge
  2. Install all additional mods if specified.
  3. Download mod and copy to .minecraft / mods
  4. Launch the forge version of the game in the launcher.

Download the Steamy Jetpacks mod:

1.16.3 / 1.16.4 / 1.16.5: steamyjetpacks1.16.3-5.jar [26.32 Kb]

About Jhon Cofy

Benim adım Jhon. Bu sitenin kurucularından biriyim ve sitenin baş editörüyüm. Android için oyunlar ve uygulamalar için site için en çok yorum yazdım. Görevlerim günlük taze incelemelerin ve sürüm güncellemelerinin yayınlanmasını içerir. Geri bildirim formu aracılığıyla veya sorunuzla yorum göndererek benimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Yazın, utanmayın.

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