Mod Sapience – will make piggins more realistic and intelligent creatures, their behavior will change slightly, they will be able to reproduce, eat food, and the player will have a certain reputation, the reputation system is similar to that of the inhabitants.
Major changes:
- Reputation system, now each player will have a reputation, reputation points are earned when trading with piglins, when fighting hostile mobs, like the reputation of residents, this value can be from -100 to +100. At + 50, you can not wear gold armor, piglins will not attack you, and at +100, you can open their chests and mine gold next to them. At -50, you will not be able to receive items when exchanged for gold, and at -100, you will be attacked even if you are wearing gold armor.
- Pigs can now pick up food if they are hungry, such as pork chops and fried pork chops, you can also offer Piglin food by RMB.
- Piglins children will grow up in 20 minutes.
- Piglins can share food with others, and can also give them armor.
- You can give the piglin gold items like armor.
- If the piglin has a lot of gold, he will make himself a piece of armor and put it on.
- Piglins sell a large number of items, now gold nuggets and gold blocks are suitable for exchange, and if you kill a piglin, then the gold obtained during the exchange will drop from it.
- Piglins shake their heads like villagers.
- Piglins can feed hoglins, you can also feed them a red mushroom.
How to install the mod:
- Install Forge
- Install all additional mods if specified.
- Download mod and copy to .minecraft / mods
- Launch the forge version of the game in the launcher.
Download Sapience mod