It’s worth starting right away with the fact that at the moment the shader does not stand out for something unusual or very high quality, the graphics in high modes are not so amazing, but so far it should appeal to owners of weak computers, since the shader looks quite decent in weak operating modes.
As I said, so far it stands out only with a huge number of preset graphics modes, this shader has 21 of them, it has 7 modes familiar to players: Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High, Ultra, Extreme, but each of them has 3 options. Probably, this will allow you to choose the picture and performance of the game for yourself, as well as for the capabilities of the PC. Of course, it is worth noting that in the weakest version of the shader, the picture of the game looks very poor, but starting from the Low version, and especially from the High version, the shader can boast of a fairly good picture.
Shader pros:
- Good performance.
- A huge number of settings, including ready-made options for different PCs.
- Weak versions of the shader look good enough.
Shader cons:
- The shader at high settings is replete with unnecessary and annoying effects, such as Depth of field (focus on the object), which is very annoying and only good for taking screenshots, however, it can be easily turned off.
- Bugs pop up.
- Too many versions, you can get confused.
- Probably some other shaders give a better picture with similar fps, for example projectLUMA
Game performance on my PC:
Computer: i5 3570 8gb ram + Geforce gtx670. When playing with shaders, the main load falls on the video card, I have a GeForce GTX 670 2gb, you can compare the performance of your card with mine on the testing site . My card is gaining about 5341 points, find yours and figure it out. It is also worth understanding that some shaders may not support AMD cards well, so you can have a lot of points in the rating, but bad FPS with the shader.
- Minecraft 1.16.5 with Optifine G8, rendering 12 chunks: ~200 fps
Shader version 6.51:
- Very Low ~75 frames.
- Low ~75 frames.
- Medium ~74 frames.
- High ~45 frames.
- Very high ~38 frames.
- Ultra ~37 frames.
- Extreme 37 frames.
- Extreme ***(max) – 25 frames.
The results are controversial, especially on weak versions, if you have a clearer difference, please unsubscribe in the comments.
Version comparison:
How to install shader:
- Establish Optifine
- Download shader
- Copy to .minecraft /shaderpacks
- If there is no shaderpacks folder, create it yourself.
- Most shaders have settings that change the quality of the graphics
- Launch the Optifine version of the game in the launcher.