Learn Computer Science, IT, Programming (Coding) v2.3 – Computer science and information learning application for Android
Purchased and complete version for $ 1.49 for the first time on Persian language websites

It has been a long time since the first computer was made, and in this period of time, we are witnessing the growth and upgrade of computers. This progress has been so rapid that many factories today do not use manpower and all their needs are met only by robots and computers. The proliferation of human use of personal computers and smart devices makes us feel the importance of sufficient knowledge in this area. Learning computer science is important to all of us and we should be able to help others with our knowledge. Unfortunately, due to the vastness of these sciences, there is no specific source for learning information in this field; But we, as the best Persian language Android website, want to introduce you to a unique startup. Learn Computer Science, IT, Programming (Coding)Is a computer science and information technology learning application developed by AB’s Apps and published on Google Play. Of course, considering the title of the post, there may be no need for additional explanations! This software with its data set helps to increase your knowledge in the field of computer science and you can keep yourself up to date. All available content is in its own categories and according to your interest, you will be able to access this information without any restrictions. One of the most important features of the above program is specific coding training, or in other words, the same programming! The development team is trying to teach different programming languages ​​to its users along with teaching computer science. Contrary to what you may think, dozens of programming languages ​​are supported by this application. Efforts have been made to provide these tutorials as simple as possible so that you can master your favorite language in a short period of time. An example is available with each tutorial that will significantly increase your understanding.

Some features and capabilities of Learn Computer Science, IT, Programming (Coding) Android program:

  • Learn computer science and information technology in a short time
  • Categorize all content in its specific groups
  • Comprehensive and complete texts in the field of computer science
  • Get access to the latest tech news
  • Regularly updated information by the development team
  • A set of specific programming tutorials
  • Support for learning a variety of programming languages
  • Accompany all tutorials with specific examples

App Learn Computer Science, IT, Programming ( Coding) to take advantage of the features and functionality of its own by the developer at a price of $ 1.49 has been released on Google Play. You can now purchase the most recent version of this wonderful software without any limitations of the database Web site Oyuntakip downloaded.