Minecraft-FTB Backups – backup of the world

Maud the FTB the Utilities: Backups – backup world.


A simple mod serving one important purpose – creating backups (backups) of your world, the mod has a number of settings, is able to work on the server, will restore the world in case of problems with mods.
When playing with a bunch of mods, it sometimes happens that some kind of faulty world leads to an instant crash of the game at startup, and this is a huge problem, the settings are backed up and you will always have a working map.
The mod is able to work on a schedule (every 2 hours as standard), store a specified number of copies (standard 12), adjust the compression level of the saved world, save additional folders in the game folder to backup, create a copy when the server is turned off.
The config is located in \ .minecraft \ config \ ftbbackups.cfg here, world backups in the \ .minecraft \ backups folder


  • / backup start – create a backup right now, you can add a unique name.
  • / backup size – specify the size of the world, and the size of all backups.
  • / backup time – shows the time until the next backup.

How to install the mod:

  1. Install Forge
  2. Install all additional mods if specified.
  3. Download mod and copy to .minecraft / mods
  4. Launch the forge version of the game in the launcher.

Download FTB Utilities: Backups mod:

1.12.2: ftbbackups- [42.74 Kb]
1.14.4: ftbutilitiesbackups- [42.07 Kb]
1.15.2: ftb-backups- [43, 23 Kb]
1.16.1: ftb-backups- [ 43,28 Kb]

About Jhon Cofy

Benim adım Jhon. Bu sitenin kurucularından biriyim ve sitenin baş editörüyüm. Android için oyunlar ve uygulamalar için site için en çok yorum yazdım. Görevlerim günlük taze incelemelerin ve sürüm güncellemelerinin yayınlanmasını içerir. Geri bildirim formu aracılığıyla veya sorunuzla yorum göndererek benimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Yazın, utanmayın.

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