CS Go is one of the most popular games of recent years, with an increasing number of new players. This intensity increased the competition of the players one click and caused many players to resort to tricks. The renewal of anti-cheat programs and software used by the admins every day prevents the use of cheating to a great extent. In this article, we will talk about the blood deletion code, one of the most popular codes of CS Go.
What is the CS Go Blood Deletion Code?
When a bullet hits a player in the Cs Go game, blood splatters around him. Although this blood is not disturbing at first, it increases in the future. It ensures that the enemies that lurk on, in or near these increased blood stains are not visible. Your enemies, who take advantage of this, hunt you like a partridge, so to speak. With the CS Go blood deletion code, the blood stains on the marvel are erased and the image pollution is eliminated. The blood deletion code is not cheat . It is a feature Valve company offers as an extra add-on due to increasing complaints from players. Therefore, you can use the blood deletion code with peace of mind.
How to use the CS GO Blood Deletion Code?
The blood deletion code has 2 different uses. Its first use is to write code into the console every time. The second use is to assign the blood deletion code to a key, and every time you press the key you assigned, the blood deletion code is active. Cs Go players usually assign a letter to the blood deletion code because it takes time to enter the console and write the code every time. In the first use, you can activate the blood deletion code by typing “r_cleardecals” into the console. By typing this code into the console every time a blood stain appears on the map, you can clean the blood that appears every time. In the second use, you can assign the blood deletion code according to the keys you want to assign as follows;
CTRL: Bind ctrl” +duck; r_cleardecals”
SHIFT: Bind shift” +speed; r_cleardecals”
TAB: Bind “TAB”” +showscores; r_cleardecals”
ENTER: Bind “ENTER” +” r_cleardecals”
CTRL: Bind ctrl” +duck; r_cleardecals”
You can also assign different keys from these keys. But the most important part you should pay attention to is if there is a different assignment on that key, for example when you press the TAB button, the score table appears. With the command we have given above (TAB: Bind “TAB” + showscores; r_cleardecals ”) when we press the TAB key, it performs the task of deleting blood and showing the score table. You can assign a blood deletion command not only to these keys but also to the letter keys on the keyboard. To give an example in this;
Bind v” r_cleardecals”
Bind c” r_cleardecals”
If there is a different command on the key to which you will assign the blood deletion command, let’s take the TAB key as in the example above. To cancel the current command of the TAB key and assign only the blood deletion command, you must type “unbind TAB” in the console section.