Croparia – grow ore [1.17.1] [1.16.5] [1.15.2] [1.12.2]

Mod Croparia – grow ores, materials, new food, craft armor and tools.


Quite a large modification for those who like to grow crops, now there will be over 80 new crops in the game that can be grown.
New plants will give you new food, materials, including ores. Based on the harvest of plants, you can create new tools, weapons, armor and new stoves.

I don’t see the point in listing all types of new plants, but here you will find a bunch of useful species that will create different resources and materials for you. You will be able to get those things that were previously not available or dropped out only from mobs. Some types of plants yield special fruits, by eating them you get the effects of potions, new stoves differ in the speed of melting, the coolest one does it almost instantly.

The mod is pretty simple, you can install JEIand see all the necessary recipes, or install the Guide-API and a book with crafting and descriptions will appear in the game.

How to install the mod:

  1. Install Forge or Fabric
  2. Install all additional mods if specified.
  3. Download mod and copy to .minecraft / mods
  4. In the launcher, run the forge or factory version of the game.

Download the Croparia mod

1.10.2: croparia-1.9.1-v1.10.2.jar [928.38 Kb]
1.11.2: croparia-1.11-1.14.3.jar [2.29 Mb]
1.12.2: croparia-2.5.jar [ 4.73 Mb]
1.13.2: croparia-2.6beta2.jar [4.29 Mb]
1.15.2: croparia-3.0-beta-4.jar [1.62 Mb]
1.16.5: croparia-1.16.5- 3.4.1.jar [1.19 Mb]


About Jhon Cofy

Benim adım Jhon. Bu sitenin kurucularından biriyim ve sitenin baş editörüyüm. Android için oyunlar ve uygulamalar için site için en çok yorum yazdım. Görevlerim günlük taze incelemelerin ve sürüm güncellemelerinin yayınlanmasını içerir. Geri bildirim formu aracılığıyla veya sorunuzla yorum göndererek benimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Yazın, utanmayın.

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