The original mod sodium, judging by the developer’s assurance, significantly increases the FPS on many systems, however, on my wretched laptop, I also noticed a certain increase in FPS, but it was very insignificant.
The author of the Chlorine mod does not share the details and results of the mod’s work, it is also worth considering that, unlike Optifine the mod does not have additional graphics settings, and of course does not support shaders, therefore it cannot be called an analog.
Small test:
So, I decided to check the mod on a wretched Dell 5570 laptop with an i5 u8250 processor with an integrated Intel Hd 520 video card (for some reason, the system displays as hd 620) + a discrete video card Radeon r530, Full HD resolution, 12 chunks rendering distance, the game runs on R530 …
- The standard game with Forge is 60-70 Fps, with drawdowns up to 45, the game works a little jerky.
- Playing with Fabric and Sodium – 65-80 Fps, with drawdowns up to 55, the game runs more smoothly.
- Playing with Forge and Optifine – 65-75 FPS with drawdowns up to 60, the game runs more smoothly.
- Playing with Forge and Chlorine mod – 65-75 FPS with drawdowns up to 55, the game runs more smoothly.
As you can see, there is a certain positive result, most of all I noticed the absence of micro-freezes in all options except for a clean game with Forge , this affected the comfort of the game much more than a few dozen FPS, for what reason this happens I do not know, probably in some moments, several frames are rendered much longer, although the game shows an average FPS above 50 and even 60, but for short periods of time the game freezes for unknown reasons.
Mod is not compatible with Optifine, do not install them together.
How to install the mod:
- Install Forge
- Install all additional mods if specified.
- Download the mod and copy to .minecraft / mods
- Launch the forge version of the game in the launcher.
Download Chlorine mod