Calorie Counter – MyFitnessPal Premium v21.5.1 – Calorie and diet calculator application in Android
A shared version with all the features presented to your dear ones

In addition to having a basic exercise, another way to lose weight is to have a very accurate diet according to which, in accordance with the exercise, you can achieve the best results in a short time. With a simple search on the oyuntakip site, you will find various applications in the field of training and sports programs. Calorie Counter – MyFitnessPal Premium is an efficient and complementary software for other sports applications developed by MyFitnessPal in the Play Store for Android. It has been published. The huge database included in the calorie counter helps its users to have accurate information about the calorie content of their food consumed. More than 6 million different foods with their information are in this database, which eliminates the need for any other program. After purchasing the foods you need, all you have to do is scan their barcodes with the program to get accurate information about the nutrients in them. List of these materials; Shows you information such as calories, protein, carbohydrates, and تا so you can make the right decision about consuming them. Set your goal and get access to cooking recipes! The instructions in this unique software are tailored to your goals and teach you the best type of cooking to achieve your goals.

Some features and capabilities of Calorie Counter – MyFitnessPal Premium Android app:

  • Access the vast database of food information with over 6 million different foods
  • Unique barcode scanning system for fast access to food information
  • Different cooking recipes to suit your goals
  • View list of popular restaurants for users
  • Tips for choosing the best food to meet your body’s daily needs
  • Perfect and complete calorie counter to show the nutritional value and calories in food
  • Track your daily water intake
  • A professional notebook to write your experiences in between
  • There are more than a dozen different diets ready for people with different goals
  • Putting more than 350 exercises to have a healthy body along with a diet
  • Access to a variety of different aerobic exercises
  • View professional progress charts on goals

Calorie Counter – MyFitnessPal Premium sports app, with over 100 million active downloads from the Play Store, managed to get a score of 4.5 out of 5.0 among millions of votes by users. Note that the mentioned features are only a part of the capabilities of this software that Farsroid has dealt with. In addition, the version available in oyuntakip is the professional and premium version of this program and you can access all its features.