Better Crates – large capacity chests [1.17.1] [1.16.5] [1.15.2] [1.14.4] [1.12.2]

The Better Crates mod is simple and very useful, it will add crates to the game, they work like chests, but they have several options that differ in their capacity. The wooden box holds 36 slots and the diamond one – 117, but their main advantage is that they retain items in themselves if they are broken.

Crates are easy to craft and can be upgraded to a higher level with special enhancers, so you don’t have to move the contents from crate to crate. And due to the fact that things do not fall out of them, you can easily move, or carry such a box-chest with you. Note that it is impossible to improve a wooden one to a diamond one at once, you need to increase the level gradually.


Types of boxes:


  • Wooden: 36 slots.
  • Copper: 45 slots, there must be copper ore in the game to create.
  • Tin: 45 slots, must-have tin ore in play.
  • Iron: 63 slots.
  • Gold: 81 slots.
  • Diamond: 117 slots.
  • Obsidian: 117 slots, but the crate is explosion-proof.

The boxes are created like this: And the enhancers are like this:

How to install the mod:

  1. Install Forge
  2. Install all additional mods if specified.
  3. Download mod and copy to .minecraft / mods
  4. Launch the forge version of the game in the launcher.


Download Better Crates mod:


1.12.2: bettercrates-1.2.0.jar [63.33 Kb]
1.14.4: bettercrates-1.14.4-1.0.1.jar [68.84 Kb]
1.15.2: bettercrates-1.15.2-1.0. 0.jar [62.7 Kb]
1.16.5: bettercrates-1.16.5-1.0.0.jar [65.89 Kb]
1.17.1: bettercrates-1.17.1-1.0.0.jar [67.08 Kb]

About Jhon Cofy

Benim adım Jhon. Bu sitenin kurucularından biriyim ve sitenin baş editörüyüm. Android için oyunlar ve uygulamalar için site için en çok yorum yazdım. Görevlerim günlük taze incelemelerin ve sürüm güncellemelerinin yayınlanmasını içerir. Geri bildirim formu aracılığıyla veya sorunuzla yorum göndererek benimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Yazın, utanmayın.

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